Q&A: Carrera Cup GB Racer Esmee Hawkey

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Esmee Hawkey has been building some real momentum following her 2018 pro-am debut in the Porsche Carrera Cup Championship, where she placed 5th. She’s made her team, Prestige and fans incredibly proud racing the #3.

Now we’re moving out of 2018 season and into 2019, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to put the brakes on and help you get to know the woman behind the helmet… She just might surprise you.

Congratulations on finishing the season on such a high! Was the 2018 championship everything you hoped for?
It was everything I hoped for and more! I enjoyed every minute of this championship, we’ve had some highs and lows but the highs have definitely outweighed the lows!

Driving the Porsche Carrera Cup GT3 hasn’t come without its challenges. What would you say has stood out as the biggest learning curve for you?
It’s a unique car unlike anything I’ve driven before and I found you have to drive the Cup Car with a certain technique which does take some getting used to. I have learnt a lot about the car and there is still more to learn but we are getting closer every time we go out racing.

In such a male-dominated sport, it’s a rare and wonderful thing to see a female driver making headlines on the track. Has it presented any challenges in the past? Do you feel female drivers are growing in popularity?
I don’t think there have been any real challenges. Some drivers I have raced against don’t like being beaten by a female but once you show your talent and abilities on track, you soon earn their respect.

Unfortunately there’s not many females in motor racing, however, I definitely feel female drivers are growing in popularity and it’s something that’s being promoted to the younger generation so much more now. Hopefully we’ll see more girls stepping up into cars.

The W Series Racing has also just been set up for 2019 so there’s some exciting prospects for women in motorsport!

What got you into racing initially?
My dad. As a baby, my mum used to take me to my dad’s races, so I’ve grown up around all things racing. When I was about 7 years old and had seen my father karting in the Monaco Cup, it looked a lot more exhilarating than the ballet and tap dancing I was doing at the time. I mentioned that I’d like to get into karting, and to my amazement, dad bought me my first kart for my 8th birthday. I’ve been hooked since!

The 2019 season is looking like it could be your best yet! What do you have planned for the next year, on and off the track?
Getting back on track in the Carrera Cup GB championship. There’s also a slim possibility that I will be doing a one off race in America, so I will keep you guys updated!
Off the track, I will be training as much as possible and using my FP Zero Simulator so that I am completely prepared for a successful year ahead!

You always seem quite relaxed heading into your races. Do you have a pre-comp routine you stick to?
I wouldn’t say I have a routine, however, before I go into my race I will go through data and look at where I can improve. I also like to watch some on-board footage and have a run through of the start procedure in my head.

Car racing is definitely one of the cooler careers you could have. What’s your favourite part of it all?
I love the atmosphere, the fans and everything about it! Most of all, I love driving the car and the adrenaline rush I get from driving fast and consistent!

Okay, moving away from racing… What’s on the all-important bucket list?
I have to say I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so one of the things on my list is skydiving.

What’s one thing people may be surprised to know about you?
Most people are normally surprised I’m a race driver in the Porsche Carrera Cup Championship. If we were looking at it from people who know I am involved in motorsport, I think they would be quite surprised to learn my day job is an Accountant.

How do you spend your time when you’re not out on the track?
A lot of my time is spent going to work in London. When I’m not in London, I’m normally training with my PT. I love training so I’ve also started putting together my own PT sessions for my friends. It’s safe to say they are not such a fan of me afterwards but you have to endure the pain to reap the rewards!

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration has to be my dad! If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be racing. My family is a big part of my racing, it’s always been the four of us travelling around the country. (Mum, Dad, my Brother who also races, and me)

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?
Never give up!

Finally, what would you say is your greatest indulgence?
I have a serious sweet tooth, so I do like to treat myself to a Glazed Raspberry Krispy Kreme doughnut now and again.

Prestige Car Hire is a proud sponsor of Esmee Hawkey in 2018/19. To learn more about Esmee and follow her progress, visit her website here or follow her on Twitter @esmee_hawkey.

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